The best Razor Wire fences and Installers in Kenya- Razor wire installers and sales in Kenya

The best Razor Wire fences and Installers in Kenya- Razor wire installers and sales in Kenya
One of the most affordable fencing solution in Kenya is the use of razor wire. In addition to being affordable, razor wires fences are quick and easy to install. Furthermore, the installation of razor wire can be the first phase in getting a more complex and thorough electric fence.
Razor wire fences can be installed as concertina type or flat trap razor wire fences. Razor wire Fences features pointed barbs at regular intervals along the central strand. If a human or animal attempts to pass through a razor wire fence, they can suffer cuts and grazes. Sharp blades on concertina wire can sever the flesh and cause fatal injuries in some cases.
Galvanised Razor Wire for sale in Kenya
Razor wire is available in various types and sizes depending on the intended security level that is to be achieved. Razor wire is galvanised by the hot dipping method. The following are some of the types.